Electromigration dispersion (EMD) was studied theoretically with compa
rison of the results to experimental findings. The EMD behavior of a s
ample constituent in a given background electrolyte (BGE) could be des
cribed by an EMD constant, which determines uniquely the direction and
the degree of a peak deformation into a triangular shape in a strong
or a weak ion BGE system in capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE). The
EMD constant was found to be proportional to the linear sum of the rel
ative change of the electric field strength (conductivity effect) and
the relative change of the effective mobility of the sample constituen
t (pH effect) across the steep boundary between sample and BGE zones.
Based on the moving boundary model or equations, the two effects, as w
ell as the EMD constants for different BGE types, can be calculated se
parately. Analytical solutions for those effects were also obtained fo
r some simple cases. Computational results have shown that the conduct
ivity effect and the pH effect for an analyte can be quite different w
ith different BGE types. In some cases, the effects of conductivity an
d pH on EMD act in the same direction, and reinforce the peak broadeni
ng. In other cases they act in opposite directions, and therefore coun
teract each other partially or completely, leading to a relatively sym
metric and narrower peak. To compare the contribution of each dispersi
on source, a variance of EMD, which is proportional to the EMD constan
t and time, was defined. It was found that the total variance of a pea
k can be approximated as the sum of the variance due to EMD and the va
riances due to other dispersion sources.