The clinical and radiological features of seven patients presenting wi
th cholecystocolic fistulae are reviewed. The majority of the patients
were elderly (age range 43-85 years, mean 70.7 years) and there was a
female preponderance (6:1). The condition usually has a benign clinic
al course. Diarrhoea was the most common presenting symptom and the ty
pical clinical features of gallbladder disease were absent. Cholangiti
s occurred in only one patient. The time between onset of symptoms and
diagnosis varied from 1 week to 2 years (mean 22 weeks). Tn only one
patient was the diagnosis of biliary-intestinal fistula suspected on t
he basis of the plain abdominal radiograph (Case 5). A diagnosis of ch
olecystocolic fistula was established by barium enema (5 cases), endos
copic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) (1 case) and diagnost
ic laparotomy (1 case). The only cause identified in this series was a
cute or chronic cholecystitis.