The catalase multigene family in Arabidopsis includes three genes enco
ding individual subunits that associate to form at least six isozymes
that are readily resolved by nondenaturing gel electrophoresis. CATI a
nd CAT3 map to chromosome 1, and CAT2 maps to chromosome 4. The nucleo
tide sequences of the three coding regions are 70 to 72% identical. Th
e amino acid sequences of the three catalase subunits are 75 to 84% id
entical and 87 to 94% similar, considering conservative substitutions,
Both the individual isozymes and the individual subunit mRNAs show di
stinct patterns of spatial (organ-specific) expression. Six isozymes a
re detected in flowers and leaves and two are seen in roots. Similarly
, mRNA abundance of the three genes varies among organs. All three mRN
As are highly expressed in bolts, and CAT2 and CAT3 are highly express
ed in leaves.