During the forming profess of a glass melt the viscosity is the domina
nt process parameter. Up to now in the industrial container glass prod
uction only temperature-controlled systems have been used. With these
control elements only thermally induced variations of the viscosity ar
e visible. Variations in the composition, the redox state, the water a
nd the SO3 content in the melting process cause a shift in the viscosi
ty. Up to now these changes have not been detectable and therefore, it
has not been possible to compensate them. A measuring device for the
continuous determination of the viscosity in the glass was developed a
nd tested for several months in a container glass plant. AU measured v
ariations of the viscosity can now be corrected by the existing contro
l elements for the thermally controlled glass conditioning. Dependent
on the position of the viscosimeter in the feeder channel, a feedforwa
rd or feedback controlling concept is practicable.