ISEC (Insulin SECretion) is a computer program which calculates pre-he
patic insulin secretion from plasma C-peptide measurements. The progra
m uses a regression (population) model to derive parameters of C-pepti
de kinetics from;subject's gender, type (normal, obese, non-insulin de
pendent diabetes mellitus), age, weight, and height. Insulin secretion
is calculated as a piece-wise constant (step) function with flexible
step length allowing for a fine resolution of the secretion profile be
tween measurements. A constrained regularisation method of deconvoluti
on is employed to carry out the calculations. The calculated profile s
atisfies three properties: (i) it fits the measurement within the give
n level of the measurement error, (ii) it is non-negative, and (iii) i
t has a minimum value of a regularisation criterion (norm of second di
fferences) which quantifies the degree of deviation of the secretion p
rofile from a straight line. Both theoretical aspects and specific fea
tures related to ISEC are considered. To exemplify the use of ISEC, pr
e-hepatic insulin secretion is calculated during meal tolerance test,
frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance test, hyperinsulinaem
ic euglycaemic glucose clamp, and basal conditions with frequent sampl