Kn. Trueblood et al., ATOMIC DISPLACEMENT PARAMETER NOMENCLATURE - REPORT OF A SUBCOMMITTEEON ATOMIC DISPLACEMENT PARAMETER NOMENCLATURE, Acta crystallographica. Section A, Foundations of crystallography, 52, 1996, pp. 770-781
Modern X-ray and neutron diffraction techniques can give precise param
eters that describe dynamic or static displacements of atoms in crysta
ls. However, confusing and inconsistent terms and symbols for these qu
antities occur in the crystallographic literature. This report discuss
es various forms of these quantities, derived from probability density
functions and based on Bragg diffraction data, both when the Gaussian
approximation is appropriate and when it is not. The focus is especia
lly on individual atomic anisotropic displacement parameters (ADPs), w
hich may represent atomic motion and possible static displacive disord
er. The first of the four sections gives background information, inclu
ding definitions. The second concerns the kinds of parameter describin
g atomic displacements that have most often been used in crystal struc
ture analysis and hence are most commonly found in the literature on t
he subject. It includes a discussion of graphical representations of t
he Gaussian mean-square displacement matrix. The third section conside
rs the expressions used when the Gaussian approximation is not adequat
e. The final section gives recommendations for symbols and nomenclatur