A comparison is made between the principal component or Karhunen-Loeve
(KL) decomposition of spatio-temporal data and a new procedure called
archetypal analysis (Cutler and Breiman, 1994). Archetypes characteri
ze the convex hull of the data set and the data set can be reconstruct
ed in terms of these values. We show that archetypes may be more appro
priate than KL when the data do not have elliptical distributions, and
they are often well-suited to studying regimes in which the system sp
ends a long time near a ''steady'' state, punctuated with quick excurs
ions to outliers in the data set, which may represent intermittency. W
e also introduce a variation of archetypal analysis that is designed t
o track moving structures, such as traveling waves or solitons. By usi
ng this method the traveling part of the motion is separated from the
stationary (or semi-stationary) pattern. Advantages and disadvantages
of each method are discussed.