Limited water resources in the arid southwestern USA have created grea
ter interest on the part of municipalities to utilize nonpotable water
s in urban areas. Research was conducted to assess the feasibility of
using a perched saline aquifer as an alternative irrigation source for
turfgrass. Two line-source irrigation gradients, one using municipal
water with an EC of approximate to 1.1 dS m(-1) and the other using sa
line aquifer water blended with municipal water to an EC of 6.0 dS m(-
1), were established to impose a salinity and/or water deficit gradien
t on tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb. 'Monarch') and an improv
ed common bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L. 'Numex Sahara'). Yield was
found to be highly correlated with actual evapotranspiration (ET(a) (
r = 0.92, P < 0.001 for bermudagrass; r = 0.83, P < 0.001 for tall fes
cue), regardless of how the stress was imposed. Relative ET. (ratio of
ET, to maximum ET. under municipal irrigation) values as a function o
f the summation of the leaf-to-air temperature differences also indica
ted no distinguishable change in stress response based on water qualit
y (r = 0.94, P < 0.001 for tall fescue; r = 0.86, P = <0.001 for bermu
dagrass). Relative turf color and percent cover remained unchanged if
the ratio of irrigation volume to potential evapotranspiration (I/ET(0
)) remained above species-specific threshold values of 0.80 for tall f
escue and 0.65 for bermudagrass. Below these thresholds, cover and col
or declined linearly, with differences due to water quality treatment
in tall fescue but with no differences due to water quality treatment
in bermudagrass.