A. Maiorana et al., NUCLEAR AREAS IN BREAST-CANCER - RELATIONSHIP WITH ESTROGEN AND PROGESTERONE-RECEPTOR EXPRESSION, Analytical cellular pathology, 11(3), 1996, pp. 199-209
The relationship between nuclear area and the expression of estrogen (
ER) and progesterone receptors (PR) was evaluated in a series of 66 br
east carcinomas (50 primaries, 16 metachronous recurrences). Nuclear m
easurements were directly performed on touch imprints previously react
ed for ER and PR by the immunocytochemical method. Nuclei expressing E
R or PR were found to be smaller than negative ones. Moreover, area va
lues of PR+ nuclei overlapped with those of ER+ ones. The pattern of r
eceptor expression co-existence was observed to be closely related to
nuclear dimensions, since a significant increase in mean nuclear areas
was detected in cells from ER-/PR- tumours, as compared with cells fr
om ER+/PR+, ER+/PR- and ER-/PR+ sub-groups. Nuclear area values were a
lso determined in both steroid receptor-positive and steroid receptor-
negative neoplastic cells co-existing in the same breast carcinoma. No
significant differences in nuclear area values were found between rec
eptor-positive and receptor-negative neoplastic cells in tumours featu
ring a positive status for at least one of the steroid receptors (ER+/
PR+, ER+/PR- or ER-/PR+). On the contrary, in breast carcinomas charac
terized by a negative steroid receptor status (ER-/PR-), receptor-nega
tive neoplastic nuclei were significantly larger than receptor-positiv
e ones. It is suggested that heterogeneous steroid receptor expression
may be caused by a completely different pathogenetic mechanism in rec
eptor-positive and receptor-negative breast carcinomas.