Studies of eclogites by means of traditional petrological methods prov
ide information on the temperature and pressure of merely the main met
amorphic episodes. The pressure differences between these episodes oft
en attain 10 kbar and more. This paper presents a new approach that ma
kes it possible to restore the P-T-t metamorphic conditions between th
e main events. This approach is illustrated by the example of the well
-studied eclogites of the Greater Caucasus. According to geothermobaro
metric data, the rocks were uplifted approximately 35 km at high tempe
ratures. The process was modeled along predetermined P-T-t trajectorie
s, each of which was then assessed by the kinetic parameters of the di
ffusion homogenization of progressively zoned garnet grains. Additiona
lly, cooling rates of the metamorphic system were determined independe
ntly by modeling the Fe-Mg interdiffusion at the contacts of coexistin
g garnet and omphacite. As follows from the calculations, the eclogite
s rapidly cooled (with cooling rates of similar to lower 1500 degrees
C/m.y.) from 700 to 600 degrees C during the onset of uplift. The late
r subisothermal uplift proceeded at the high rate of approximately 7 m
m/year. The specific features of the P-T-t uplift evolution of the roc
ks account for the good preservation of the eclogitic mineral assembla
ge and provide important information on the tectonic mechanisms of the
eclogite exhumation.