The simple mucin-type carbohydrate antigens Tn, sialosyl-Tn, T and the
'cryptic' sialylated variant of the last represent the mucin core oli
gosaccharide structures that are produced in the initial steps of the
mucin biosynthetic pathway. Utilizing monoclonal antibodies anti-Tn an
tigen (HB-Tn1), anti-sialosyl-Tn antigen (HB-STn1), anti-T antigen (HB
-T1) and the biotinylated Amaranthus caudatus agglutinin (ACA), we hav
e investigated the expression of the simple mucin-type carbohydrate an
tigens in hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC; 15 cases)
compared with sporadic colorectal cancer (CRC; 60 cases) and normal co
lonic mucosa (30 cases). A variable positivity of Tn, sialosyl-Tn, T a
nd the cryptic sialylated form of this latter antigen was encountered
in both HNPCC and sporadic CRC cases; in addition, in normal colonic m
ucosa a constant reactivity was encountered only for Tn and the crypti
c sialylated form of T, while negative results were always obtained fo
r sialosyl-Tn and T antigens. Statistical analysis, performed using a
Chi-square test, showed significantly lower (P = 0.037) expression of
sialosyl-Tn and higher (P = 0.022) expression of T in HNPCC than in sp
oradic CRC, suggesting a greater presence of beta 1,3 galactosyltransf
erase activity in HNPCC than in sporadic CRC. We were unable to identi
fy a peculiar phenotype for HNPCC with simultaneous evaluation of reac
tivity for HB-Tn1, HB-STn1, HB-T1 and ACA; the biological significance
of the preferential expression of T antigen in HNPCC remains to be in