Steady magnetic fields up to 20 T have been generated at the Institute
of Plasma Physics, Academia Sinica (ASIPP), by a hybrid magnet consis
ting of an outer NbTi superconducting (SC) coil and an inner water-coo
led (WC) Bitter coil consuming 3.0 MW. The laboratory has also install
ed WC magnets at two magnet sites with fields up to 14 T and some SC m
agnets capable of producing 8.0 T in different bores. The research pro
grams in high magnetic fields are in progress and extensive studies on
superconductors, magnetic materials, low dimensional organic conducto
rs as well as biological effects of high magnetic fields have been per
formed. Based on the use of the 40 MW fly-wheel generators the next pr
oject for constructing a 45 T, 2 s flat-top quasi-steady magnet has be
en proposed for creating new scientific opportunities at higher fields