This paper is devoted to a systematic study of the basic properties of
the so-called Jumping Markov Processes (JMP in short). By this we mea
n a Markov process X = (X(t))(t greater than or equal to 0) taking val
ues in an arbitrary measurable space (E, epsilon), and which is piecew
ise-deterministic in the sense that it follows a ''deterministic'' pat
h X(t) = f (t, X(0)) up to some random time tau(1), at which time it '
'jumps'' to some random value X(tau 1), then it follows the path f (t
- tau(1), X(tau 1)) up to another random time tau(2) > tau(1), and so
on... Such processes had already been studied by M. H. A. Davis [3] in
a particular case, but here the emphasis is on the characterization o
f JMPs, in particular in terms of the structure of the martingales, an
d on the properties of the basic objects (additive functionals, semima
rtingales, semimartingale functions) usually associated with Markov pr
ocesses. We also introduce a class of Markov processes which we call '
'purely discontinuous'' and appear as suitable limits of JMP's.