Parametric statistical inference for generalized semi-Markov processes
is addressed. This class of processes encompasses a large number of '
'real-world'' discrete-event stochastic systems. Because of its proper
ties (e.g., consistency, asymptotic normality, etc.), maximum likeliho
od estimation is considered here. Under reasonable conditions on the p
rocess, we show that a maximum likelihood estimator exists, and that i
t converges to the true parameter at rate t(-1/2), where t is the leng
th of the observation period. A related estimator, which is typically
easier to compute, is also introduced. We show that the use of this es
timator results in no loss of statistical efficiency. It is also shown
that the estimation problem does decouple into separate subproblems w
hen the process' transition probabilities and event distributions depe
nd on different parameters.