The human tenascin-R gene encodes a multidomain protein belonging to t
he tenascin family, until now detected only in the central nervous sys
tem, During embryo development, tenascin-R is presumed to play a pivot
al role in axonal path finding through its adhesive and repulsive prop
erties, Recently, the primary structure of human tenascin-R has been e
lucidated (Carnemolla, B., Leprini, A., Borsi, L., Querze, G., Urbini,
S., and Zardi, L. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 8157-8160). As a further
step to investigate the role of human tenascin-R we defined the struc
ture of its gene, The gene, which spans a region of chromosome 1 appro
ximately 85 kilobases in length, consists of 21 exons, ranging in size
from 90 to >670 base pairs, The sequence analysis of intron splice do
nor and acceptor sites revealed that the position of introns in human
tenascin-R are precisely conserved in the other two tenascin family me
mbers, tenascin-C and tenascin-X, The determination of intronic sequen
ces flanking the exon boundaries will allow investigation of whether m
utations may be responsible for altered function of the gene product(s
) leading to central nervous system development defects.