The cubic compound FeSi is referred to as a nonmagnetic narrow-gap sem
iconductor or Kondo insulator. Formation of a gap in the electronic ex
citation spectrum has been studied by the point-contact tunneling spec
troscopy down to 4.2K on the single-crystal grown by the Czochralski m
ethod. The results are compared to the optical reflectivity measuremen
ts also made between the helium and room temperatures over a large fre
quency range from 25 to 5000 cm(-1) on the same crystal. Both techniqu
es reveal a gap 2 Delta. In the tunneling conductance of point-contact
junctions the gap-like anomalies indicate 2 Delta equal to about 50 m
eV. The point-contact gap is filled up at about 60K. The optical spect
ra show a significant reduction of the low-frequency reflectivity belo
w 200K. Onset of the fall of reflectivity lies at 700 cm(-1). A magnit
ude of the optical gap is about 50-90 meV.