Four investigational drugs, p-benzoquinone, primine, miconidine acetat
e, and artesunate (dihydroqinghaosusuccinate), with growth inhibitory
activity against flagellatae (e.g. trypanosoma, leptomonas, plasmodium
) were investigated for their capability to induce programmed cell dea
th (apoptosis) in human KG-la leukemic cells. The results were compare
d with those of three well established cytostatic agents (cisplatin, d
aunorubicin, cytosine-arabinoside) and ionizing radiation. The antitum
or activity of the drugs was validated by a cellular growth inhibition
assay. The depletion of glutathione by these four investigational dru
gs favours the hypothesis that formation of free radicals and subseque
nt DNA strand breaks may be critical mechanisms of action and that the
glutathione redox cycle is involved in detoxification of these reacti
ve molecules.