A study of regenerants obtained from long-term callus cultures of diff
erent pea (Pisum sativum L.) genotypes revealed specificity of in vitr
o mutagenesis. The specificity was displayed in the preferential gener
ation of the somaclonal variations affecting quantitative and developm
ental characters. About 60% of regenerated lines obtained from the cul
tivar Ranny Zeleny carried mutations in the Lf and Sn loci, which cont
rol initiation of flowering. An in vitro study of isogenic lines diffe
ring at the Lf and Sn loci illustrates the growth advantages of mutant
genotypes in tissue culture. These experiments suggest that mutations
affecting developmental characters (e.g. mutations in loci which cont
rol flowering behaviour) may be expressed in tissue culture and may ca
use increased adaptation in mutant cells to the in vitro conditions. R
apid propagation of mutant cells during in vitro culture may lead to a
higher proportion of quantitative mutations among the regenerated pla