Area preserving nontwist maps, i.e. maps that violate the twist condit
ion, are considered. A representative example, the standard nontwist m
ap that violates the twist condition along a curve called the shearles
s curve, is studied in detail. Using symmetry lines and involutions, p
eriodic orbits are computed and two bifurcations analyzed: periodic or
bit collisions and separatrix reconnection. The transition to chaos du
e to the destruction of the shearless curve is studied. This problem i
s outside the applicability of the standard KAM (Kolmogorov-Arnold-Mos
er) theory. Using the residue criterion we compute the critical parame
ter values for the destruction of the shearless curve with rotation nu
mber equal to the inverse golden mean. The results indicate that the d
estruction of this curve is fundamentally different from the destructi
on of the inverse golden mean curve in twist maps. It is shown that th
e residues converge to a six-cycle at criticality.