Despite the high prevalence of postpartum depressive disorders, many s
igns and symptoms of this illness are dismissed as normal physiologic
changes associated with childbirth. Prompt recognition and treatment a
re imperative in order to limit the negative impact on both the mother
and infant. Mood disturbances may have a minor functional impact that
respond well to social support (eg, postpartum blues) or cause signif
icant functional compromise requiring more aggressive therapy (eg, pos
tpartum depression). The most extreme case of postpartum depressive di
sorder, postpartum psychosis, occurs when patients develop psychosis,
mania, or thoughts of infanticide. Depression during pregnancy or the
presence of risk factors suggests the need for careful follow-up. If p
ostpartum depression develops, psychotherapy is the first-line treatme
nt. Antidepressant treatment may be warranted for some patients, and t
he risks and benefits to both the mother and infant should be consider
ed in the decision to institute pharmacotherapy.