Adjacent segments of the plate boundary may fail separately as earthqu
akes that occur very close in time. When the time between events is a
small fraction of the recurrence interval, then the sequence is referr
ed to as ''doublets'' or ''multiplets''. In the first part of this pap
er, we determine the frequency of occurrence of large multiplet earthq
uakes. We count the number of multiplet earthquakes present in the Abe
catalogue with aftershocks removed (M(s) greater than or equal to 7.1
) using a series of space, time and magnitude filters. We compare this
number to the number of multiplet earthquakes present in the Abe cata
logue where origin times of earthquakes are randomized and epicentral
locations and magnitudes are kept constant. The difference between the
observed and random number of multiplets gives us the percentage of m
ultiplets that do not occur randomly. We find that this percentage ran
ges from 2% to 7% of all large earthquakes based on the best choice of
space, time and magnitude filters. In the second part of this paper,
we model multiplet earthquakes using three simple frictional slider mo
dels. The models consist of slider blocks resting on a frictional ''co
nveyer belt'' and interconnected by springs. The seismogenic portion o
f the plate interface is represented by blocks that exhibit stick-slip
behavior (asperities). Aseismic creep within the seismogenic zone is
represented by ''creepers''. The ''creepers'' are blocks that obey a s
imple linear creep law. The three models differ in that the positions
of the creeping blocks within the system of asperities and creepers ar
e different. We find that model 3 produces a complex sequence of event
s consisting of single, double and multiplet earthquakes. These synthe
tic sequences of events are comparable to the earthquake cycle observe
d along Nankai trough. Model 3 produces a high percentage of multiplet
earthquakes when the creeper is allowed to relax within a small fract
ion of the maximum recurrence time of the event sequence. This implies
that the details of the frictional law invoked for the creeper blocks
does not influence the model results significantly. The time evolutio
n of model 3 is compared to the postseismic phase of the loading cycle
at Muroto Point, Japan. We suggest that the rapid postseismic deforma
tion that occurs immediately after the Nankaido earthquake is due to a
rapid creeping zone that is in this region.