Free solution capillary electrophoresis (FSCE) and micellar electrokin
etic capillary chromatography (MECC) methods were developed using stan
dard compounds. Each method was examined for its ability to simultaneo
usly resolve caseins, peptides, and various small molecules found in C
heddar cheese. FSCE with phosphate-urea-acetonitrile run buffer separa
ted caseins and large peptides, but this method was not robust with re
spect to resolution of milk proteins and peptides. Additionally, peak
resolution with phosphate-urea buffer degraded after about 50 samples.
MECC with borate-SDS run buffer simultaneously separated alpha- and b
eta-caseins, peptides, several free amino acids, and small aromatic mo
lecules within 25 min. MECC was robust and electropherograms of phosph
ate-soluble Cheddar cheese fractions suggest that it may be a valuable
tool to study the biochemistry of cheese maturation.