Twelve studies on the effects of pain programmes for nurses were revie
wed. Most of the programmes focused on aspects of pain, pain medicatio
n or pain assessment. Only two programmes (Ferrell et al., 1993, J. Pa
in Symptom Management, Vol. 8, No. 8, pp. 549-556; Sofaer, 1983, Nurs.
Times, Vol. 79, No, 47, pp. 38-42; 1984, Ph.D. Thesis, University of
Edinburgh) also paid attention to non-pharmacological nursing interven
tions. Randomized control groups, established measurement instruments,
testing statistics, and long-term follow-up measurements, were not of
ten used in the effect evaluation of the programmes. Effects reported
on both nurses and patients were for the most part positive. Given the
small number of studies and their methodological limitations, further
research into the effectiveness of continuing pain education in nursi
ng is indicated. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.