The Common Reed (Phragmites australis Cav. Trin. ex Steud.) possesses
an outstanding capacity to vent its underground tissues by pressurized
through-flow. Phragmites-dominated wetlands therefore potentially pro
vide a significant source of trace gas emissions to the atmosphere. In
this paper we present results of in situ studies on gas exchange thro
ugh Phragmites, and evaluate various methodologies used for measuring
gas transport and the fluxes they record. Gas exchange rates were rela
ted to atmospheric humidity, temperature and light. Green shoots were
influx culms and dead culms and broken or damaged green shoots were ef
flux culms. Gas exchange through the plants fluctuated diurnally, with
highest rates in the early afternoon (up to 11 l m(-2) h(-1)) and low
est rates during the night The net flux of O-2 to the below-ground tis
sues and sediment was up to 5.7 l m(-2) day(-1), and the net emissions
of CO2 and CH4 up to 5.1 and 0.27 l m(-2) day(-1) respectively. Net g
as exchange rates varied with season and sediment characteristics, bei
ng highest during hot and dry summer days, and on organic sediments wi
th a high oxygen demand and high rates of microbial decomposition. Hen
ce, the convective throughflow mechanism in Phragmites not only accele
rates gas exchange between the sediment and the atmosphere, but the ox
ygen delivered through the plant may also affect the microbial process
es in the sediment. Therefore, the role of the plants for rhizosphere
oxidation and conveyers of gases should be further assessed in future
studies. A comparison of current methods for measuring flow suggested
that they need refining if they are to quantify gas exchange through P
hragmites wetlands on a large scale or over longer time periods.