Ocular redness is the principal clinical sign of any inflammatory resp
onse affecting the anterior segment of the eye. The aims of the curren
t investigation were: (1) to develop an objective method to quantify t
he severity and geographic distribution of redness, (2) to validate th
at technique by determining its precision and compare its finding to c
linical rating, and (3) to apply this technique to evaluating the diur
nal variation in ocular redness associated with daily and extended sof
t contact lens wear. The objective capture and analysis technique invo
lved the following steps: (1) direct image formation on the CCD array
of a high resolution, high sensitivity 3/4 inch Cohu camera via a Niko
n Macrolens and (2) capture and image analysis with a PC-based dedicat
ed transputer. The key steps were: filtering to accurately locate the
limbus and electronic sectioning with differential intensity color ana
lysis at fixed intervals away from the limbus. The technique gave a di
rect measurement of the number and size of the vessels present. The re
sult obtained lead to the following conclusions: (1) the digitization
and analysis of video recordings of the bulbar conjunctiva provide a p
recise measurement of the level of conjunctival redness, (2) subjectiv
e rating of low level of conjunctival redness, using an overall nine i
ncrement clinical scale, did not relate closely to the objective measu
rement of conjunctival redness, (3) for non-contact lens wearers, redn
ess in the evening was similar to redness measured upon waking, and gr
eater than redness 2 h postwaking. In contrast, in daily soft contact
lens wearers, redness was maximal in the evening and greater than befo
re insertion or during wear in the morning. In extended soft contact l
ens wearers, redness was maximal upon waking when it was greater than
in the evening, and (4) digitization and analysis video recordings of
the redness response of the bulbar conjunctiva are sufficiently sensit
ive clinical research tools to monitor diurnal variation of the inflam
matory response of the anterior segment of the eye.