Diacetyl formation was linear with time and with protein concentration
when a cell-free extract of Leuconostoc lactis NCW1 was added to a bu
ffer system containing pyruvate, thiamine pyrophosphate and MgSO4 (fin
al concentrations 60 mM, 0.11 mM and 0.22 mM, respectively). No diacet
yl was detected in the absence of pyruvate or cell-free extract and no
increase in diacetyl formation was detected on the addition of acetyl
-CoA. When 2-acetolactate (1.6 mM) was the substrate, autodecarboxylat
ion to diacetyl and acetoin occurred under aerobic and anaerobic condi
tions. When cell-free extract was added, decarboxylation of 2-acetolac
tate to acetoin and diacetyl increased 4-6-fold, under aerobic and ana
erobic conditions. When the cell-free extract was boiled, diacetyl for
mation from 2-acetolactate was reduced to the level of autodecarboxyla
tion. The results suggest that diacetyl is formed enzymatically in the
presence and absence of oxygen, as well as spontaneously, from 2-acet