We study the surface structure of porous silicon (PS) using atomic for
ce microscopy (AFM), before and after oxidation in a HNO3 solution. Th
e AFM image shows the PS surface with a self-affine random fractal str
ucture of wires, hillocks and voids in various scales. After oxidizati
on the wires and hillocks of PS structures are glazed with oxide and t
he voids are filled, PS structure is altered to a simple self-affine f
ractal structure of hillock clusters. The fractal dimension D of PS is
around 2.3, which decreases with increasing oxidization to about 2.0
of a smooth surface for the saturated oxidization. Our direct observat
ion of the fractal structure of PS from AFM data reveals a good explan
ation for the recently found novel nonlinear de-response in Ag thin fi
lms deposited on PS. We find the fractal surface structure of oxidized
PS responds to the stepwise avalanche electric breakdown of the resis
tivity of Ag thin films deposited on oxidized PS.