PROPER elongation of Xenopus retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons in the
optic tract during development requires intact functioning of beta(1)
integrin and tyrosine kinase (TK) activity. The cytoplasmic TK pp125FA
K can directly associate with and become activated by beta(1) integrin
in cultured fibroblasts. Here we demonstrate the presence of pp125FAK
in the developing retina and in cultured retinal neurites, growth con
es and filopodia. We show that pp125FAK immunoprecipitated from neural
tissue is phosphorylated, and we compare the pattern of FAK and phosp
hotyrosine immunolabeling. Finally, we show that the localization of p
p125FAK in filopodia depends upon TK activity sensitive to the TK inhi
bitor herbimycin A. These results indicate a role for pp125FAK in sign
aling the growth of retinal axons.