The purpose of this paper is to outline the pathways through which soi
l moisture and meteorological phenomena mutually influence one another
at local, regional and global scales. This constitutes two-way land-a
tmosphere interaction, as meteorological phenomena both act as the for
cing and react to the forcing by the soil moisture state. Land surface
modification of the atmospheric environment and the atmospheric forci
ng of these land surface conditions form feedback loops which are sign
ificant factors in modulating the variability of the climatic system.
The predictability and analysis of fluctuations and changes in regiona
l hydrology and the atmospheric environment require an understanding o
f these feedback mechanisms and two-way land-atmosphere interaction. T
he dynamics of soil moisture at the land surface is governed by compon
ents with diverse time scales. Variability in both weather and climate
are therefore influenced by the soil moisture state. In this paper, w
e present an overview of several studies on the mutual interaction of
the soil moisture state and the atmospheric environment. We also outli
ne possible directions for innovative investigations on the determinat
ion of soil moisture variation influences on the moist thermodynamics,
energetics and dynamics of the overlying atmosphere.