We used CT and MR to examine the frequency of occurrence of hippocampa
l formation atrophy (HA) in a research clinic population of 130 normal
elderly, 72 nondemented patients with very mild memory and cognitive
impairments (MCI), 73 mild Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients, and 130
patients with moderate to severe AD. HA was found in 29% of the normal
elderly group and its frequency of occurrence was strongly related to
increasing age. For normal elderly 60-75 years of age, 15% had HA; th
e proportion rose to 48% in subjects 76-90 years of age. Among the thr
ee groups of impaired patients, the frequencies of HA ranged from 78%
in the MCI patients to 96% in the advanced AD group. Unlike the normal
elderly group, the percentages were not related to age. In both the n
ormal elderly group and MCI group disproportionately more males than f
emales had HA. After controlling for learning and the effects of gener
alized brain changes as reflected in ventricular size, only in the nor
mal group was KA associated with reduced delayed verbal recall perform
ance. Follow-up examinations for 15 individuals with baseline HA, 4 wh
o at entry were MCI and 11 probable AD, yielded clinical and neuropath
ologic diagnoses of AD in all cases. The results of the present study
indicate that hippocampal formation atrophy is associated with memory
and cognitive impairments. Further longitudinal and neuropathologic wo
rk is required to validate the relationship between hippocampal format
ion atrophy and AD. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Inc.