Photoassimilate transport from the sieve elements to the recipient sin
k cells, principally in the form of sucrose, provides a link between s
ink metabolism and compartmentation with phloem import. Phloem unloadi
ng has focused attention on photoassimilate transport across the sieve
element boundary. However, post-sieve element transport can be of equ
al or greater significance. Three cellular pathways of sieve element u
nloading and post-sieve element transport are identified. These are ap
oplastic, symplastic and symplastic interrupted by an apoplastic step.
The symplastic path is considered to be the common path, while the re
maining pathways serve specialized functions. In particular, the apopl
astic step isolates the sieve element transport function from the effe
cts of solute concentration or osmotic changes in the sink cells. Swit
ching between apo- and symplastic routes within a given sink has been
found to be linked with such changes. Plasmodesmatal transport undoubt
edly involves a diffusive component, but whether bulk flow contributes
to the symplastic flux of photoassimilate from the sieve elements to
the recipient sink cells is yet to be established unequivocally. Efflu
x across the plasma membranes of the sieve element-companion cell (se-
cc) complexes and other vascular cells occurs by passive diffusion. Al
ong the axial route, retrieval from the phloem apoplast is mediated by
sucrose/proton symport. However, this mechanism is absent in terminal
sinks. Non-vascular efflux from the maternal tissues of developing se
ed is passive in cereals and energy-coupled in certain grain legumes.
Accumulation of sugars from the apoplast of all sinks with an apoplast
ic step universally occurs by a plasma membrane-bound sugar/proton sym
port mechanism. Regulation of symplastic transport could be mediated b
y a combination of sink metabolism and compartmentation coupled with c
hanges in the transport properties of the interconnecting plasmodesmat