Dry matter partitioning is the end result of the flow of assimilates f
rom source organs via a transport path to the sink organs. The dry mat
ter partitioning among the sinks of a plant is primarily regulated by
the sinks themselves. The effect of source strength on dry matter part
itioning is often not a direct one, but indirect via the formation of
sink organs. Although the translocation rate of assimilates may depend
on the transport path, the transport path is only of minor importance
for the regulation of dry matter partitioning at the whole plant leve
l. To understand the regulation of dry matter partitioning by the sink
s, a parameter like sink strength is needed that describes a sink's ab
ility to influence assimilate import and is independent of the rest of
the plant. The term sink strength can be defined as the competitive a
bility of an organ to attract assimilates. However, there is much deba
te and confusion about the term sink strength because this term is oft
en not clearly defined. Sink strength has been proposed to be the prod
uct of sink size and sink activity. Although cell number is often cons
idered as a suitable measure of sink size, it appears not always to be
an important determinant of sink size. Moreover, sink strength may de
pend on sink age rather than sink size. A model for dry matter partiti
oning into generative plant parts, which is based on sink strengths of
the organs, is described. The potential growth rate (potential capaci
ty to accumulate assimilates) has been shown to be an important parame
ter that quantitatively reflects the sink strength of an organ. The po
tential growth rates of the plant's organs are not static but change d
ynamically. the potential growth rate of a fruit is a function of both
its age and temperature. For several crops it has been shown that the
dry matter partitioning into an organ can be quantitatively described
as a function of its potential growth rate relative to that of the ot
her plant organs.