The scientific management of the Experimental Facilities of the Intern
ational Space Station (ISS). that are mostly oriented to microgravity
experimentation, is to be identified. The debate that is taking place
today refers to two possible ISS conceipts: a) a condominium with many
private apartments; b) a common house where all the equipment is comm
on. The microgravity scientific community has already recognised the d
rawbacks and difficulties that may derive from the first concept. Effo
rts were already made and are being made in international users forums
(e.g. IFSUSS, SSUP, SSUAS. CSA; etc.) to convince the Space Agencies
that the scientific P/Ls must be chosen by the scientific community as
a whole in order to avoid duplications. To find applicable criteria f
or the scientific management the paper considers the CERN as a possibl
e analog of the ISS. Similarities and differences are discussed. The e
stablishment of an ISS Scientific Council (ISC) tot the scientific act
ivities to be carried out in the ISS is suggested that must ensure a p
roper utilization of the ISS P/Ls (based on a Scientific Utilization S
hare Index) by issuing world wide A/Os and by identifying the scientif
ic activities (Facilities and experiments) for all the mission increme