The turbidity during trypsin-induced coagulin gel formation was studie
d over a range of wavelengths, The range of wavelengths used (686-326
nm) also made it possible to investigate the dependence of turbidity o
n wavelength (the wavelength exponent). Using the results from that wo
rk, and structural information on coagulin and the coagulin gel from o
ther studies, a model gel-forming system was designed that consists of
species for which the turbidity can be calculated relatively simply,
These species include small particles (small in all dimensions relativ
e to the wavelength of incident light); long rods and long random coil
s (particles that are large in just one dimension relative to the wave
length of incident light); and reflective regions (aggregated material
that is large in more than one dimension relative to the wavelength o
f incident light). The turbidimetric characteristics of the real coagu
lin gel-forming system are compared with those of the model system.