A total of 102 rural Cambodian women with a mean age of 60 +/- 8.5 yea
rs (range 39 to 80 years) who chewed betel quid were examined for oral
mucosal lesions, in particular betel chewer's mucosa. The average dur
ation of betel quid chewing was 15.5 +/- 12.8 years. The average numbe
r of daily betel quids was 5.4 +/- 2.9. Forty women (39.2%) used betel
quids overnight. Thirty-eight (37.3%) did not show any oral mucosal l
esion. Sixty-two (60.8%) showed betel chewer's mucosa. Homogeneous leu
koplakia was found in three women (2.9%). Out of 130 sites affected by
chewer's mucosa, the buccal mucosa was the most frequently involed (n
= 68). In thirty-two subjects (31.4%) more than one location was affe
cted. The presence of a lesion was significantly associated with the d
uration of the habit (P<0.01) and the number of betel quids per day (P
<0.001). Betel chewing seems to be prevalent in elderly Cambodian wome
n, while younger people do not seem to have taken up this habit. The r
isk for oral cancer in the Cambodian population is presently unknown.