This paper describes measured temperature profiles and thermal stratif
ication in eight aircraft hangar buildings during the heating season.
Presented also is the predicted impact of thermal stratification on he
ating energy requirements. The hangar buildings included two main ceil
ing heights (9.35 and 17.1 m (31 and 56 ft)), two ceiling types (flat
and Quonset), two types of heating systems (vertical discharge forced
warm air and downdraft convective unit heaters), and various types of
large external doors. Measured stratification, expressed by floor-to-c
eiling temperature differential, is in the range 4-11 degrees C (7.2-2
0 degrees F). Two air layers existed in the hangar bay area, a warm up
per air layer and a cooler lower air layer. The lower air layer (up to
2 m (7 ft) high from the floor) is characterised by a steep vertical
temperature gradient in the range 0.8-2.6 degrees C/m (0.4-1.4 degrees
F/ft). In the upper air layer, above 2 m, the vertical temperature gr
adient shallows considerably to 0.5 degrees C/m (0.3 degrees F/ft). Re
sults indicate that thermal stratification can have a significant impa
ct on the building's heating energy requirements. In the hangar buildi
ngs studied, predicted excess heating energy requirements due to 8 deg
rees C floor-to-ceiling temperature differential can be as much as 38%
as compared to the case with no stratification.