Many agronomic traits of interest to plant breeders are quantitative.
Recombinant inbred (RD lines are particularly useful in genetic mappin
g studies of quantitative traits. A recombinant inbred population was
derived from the Glycine max (L.) Merr. parents 'Minsoy' and 'Noir 1'.
This soybean population was used to investigate the genetic basis of
several agronomic traits: days to flower (R1), days to maturity (R8),
reproductive period (R8-R1), plant height, lodging score, height divid
ed by lodging (the ability of tall plants to stand upright), seed prot
ein content, seed oil content, seed size, yield, seed number, yield di
vided by height (the yield from short plants), leaf width, leaf length
, and leaf area. In this RI population, transgressive segregation was
observed for all of these traits. As expected, height and lodging were
correlated, as were height and maturity; height and maturity with yie
ld; and leaf length and width with leaf area. Height divided by lodgin
g and yield divided by height showed little correlation with other tra
its, indicating that these traits measured new plant phenotypes. A gen
etic map was constructed for this population, with restriction fragmen
t length polymorphism markers, simple sequence repeat markers and clas
sical markers. Approximately 2000 cM of linkage was defined. The data
were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) by linking quanti
tative phenotypes to qualitative genetic markers. For many traits, a f
ew QTLs accounted for a large proportion of the variation observed. QT
Ls for most of the traits were associated with three linkage groups, o
ften with the same genetic locus within the linkage group. At the leve
l of resolution of the genetic map for this population, it was not pos
sible to determine whether these QTLs have pleiotrophic effects or are
clusters of separate, tightly linked genes. The data suggest that sep
aration of QTLs for different traits (such as maturity or lodging and
yield) may be difficult, but that this RI population will be useful in
resolving questions concerning marker assisted selection of quantitat
ive traits.