Casparian band-like structures were detected in the root hypodermis of
Potamogeton pectinatus L., Ruppia maritima L., Zostera capensis Setch
ell, Z. marina L., Z. japonica Aschers and Graebn, Halophila ovalis (R
.Br.) Hook f. and Nymphaea capensis Thumb, but not in Egeria densa Pla
nch, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms and Lema minor L. The bands st
ained with the fluorochrome berberine hemi-sulphate which is specific
for Casparian bands. They also contained suberin, resisted acid digest
ion and had an ultrastructure resembling Casparian bands of the endode
rmis. They were always associated with suberin lamellae, and blocked a
poplastic transport into the interior tissues of the roots. Symplastic
transport through the root tissues, however, was not affected by the
bands' presence.