The spiral chaos state recently observed in Rayleigh-Benard convection
is studied using the long wave length phase equation and numerical si
mulations of two-dimensional equations modelling the pattern formation
in convection. The phase equation description of a single spiral, whi
ch may also be investigated experimentally, shows that the motion is d
ominated by wave vector frustration, rather than the rotational motion
driven by a vertical vorticity field. This leads to a continuum of sp
iral frequencies in the spiral chaos state, and a spiral may rotate in
either sense depending on the wave vector of its local environment. T
he formation of the spiral chaos state is understood in terms of invas
ive defects, i.e. defects that through their intrinsic dynamics expand
to take over the system. Numerical simulations of the chaotic state a
s a function of the model parameters provide confirmation of these res
ults. In addition the mechanisms of spiral creation and destruction, t
he axisymmetric target to spiral transition, and a novel core oscillat
ion, are described.