In this paper I reexamine noun truncation and hypocoristic processes i
n Spanish. I argue that a constraint-based analysis is preferrable to
previous analyses (Prieto 1992) because it does not require a conditio
n - which could be optional or obligatory - on the form of the second
syllable. At the same time, the syllabic trochee can be retained as a
template for truncation. The analysis also shows that truncation proce
sses in Spanish lend support to the idea of the ''emergence of the unm
arked'' (McCarthy and Prince 1994a). A fundamental principle of optima
lity theory (Prince and Smolensky 1993; McCarthy and Prince 1993) is t
he universality of constraints. Constraints are always present in the
grammar, even when violated under domination; their effects become vis
ible only when the dominant constraint/s is/are no longer relevant (Mc
Carthy and Prince 1994a). For instance, NO CODA, a constraint against
codas, is extensively violated in languages with syllable codas. NO CO
DA, however, will be obeyed in the same languages when the dominating
constraint, such as faithfulness, requiring parsing of all underlying
material is not relevant. The universality of constraints is essential
ly related to the formal notion of markedness proposed by optimality t
heory in which forms are marked if they literally incur violation mark
s with respect to a constraint C and which allows FOR THE EMERGENCE OF