This review of recent data on the techniques and results of spinal mag
netic resonance imaging in plasma cell dyscrasias provides a basis for
selecting those patients who are most likely to benefit from this inv
estigation, Sagittal images should be obtained using T1-weighted spin-
echo and T2-weighted gradient-echo sequences, Epiduritis is best detec
ted on sagittal or axial images acquired after gadolinium injection us
ing T1-weighted spin-echo or phase-opposed gradient-echo sequences, Am
ong patients with symptomatic multiple myeloma, 80% have abnormal magn
etic resonance images of the lower spine due to plasma cell infiltrati
on and this proportion increases with the stage in the Durie and Salmo
n staging system, Bone marrow signal abnormalities can be focal, diffu
se and homogeneous, or diffuse and variegated. Vertebral fractures due
to spinal infiltration or osteoporosis are seen in 48% of cases and s
pinal canal narrowing with impingement of bone tumors or epiduritis on
nervous structures in 20%, The response to chemotherapy as evaluated
based on conventional criteria is fairly well correlated with changes
in magnetic resonance imaging findings, Among asymptomatic multiple my
eloma patients with normal roentgenograms, 50% have tumor-related abno
rmalities on magnetic resonance images of the lower spine, which are a
ssociated with an increased likelihood of rapid progression to symptom
atic disease, Similarly, one third of patients with an apparently soli
tary plasmacytoma of bone have evidence of other plasma cell tumors on
magnetic resonance images of the lower spine, and this finding is ass
ociated with persistence of monoclonal component production after irra
diation therapy, which may be of adverse prognostic significance. Pati
ents with monoclonal gammopathies of uncertain significance have no ev
idence of tumorous lesions on magnetic resonance images of the lower s