In a large variety of disciplines, fundamental studies often straddle
in self referential situations, in need of relativization to-language
and complementaristic resolution. In such attempts, the languages at p
lay are hardly visible themselves. Only shadows of language, somewhat
characteristic of the various disciplines, become visible and tractabl
e. We select two domains, quantum mechanics and cybernetics, for a com
parative study of their complementarity concepts with consequence for
understandings of observability, describability, and objectivity. In p
articular, we compare Bohr-Pauli's 'non-detachability of the observer'
and von Foerster's aphorisms for objectivity. In quantum mechanics, w
ith its emphasis on experimentability and measurability, Bohr's primar
y view of complementarity takes the form of a tension between definabi
lity and measurability. In cybernetics, we have a central interest in
inferribility above the more constructive measurability, and the lingu
istic complementarity takes the form of a tension between describabili
ty and interpretability. In quests for a complete quantum mechanical m
easurement language, we face an interesting situation, that of simulat
ing semantic measurability by syntactic inferribility. It calls for a
cybernetic tie, whereby the two processes of assertibility, by measura
bility and by provability, become united under complementarity. Althou
gh semantic and syntactic processes are complementary within the measu
rement language, they may be unfolded in levels of constructivity, all
owing identification of the lowest levels. Namely, identification of t
he constructivity level of a basic measurement sentence, i.e., a sente
nce which can be affirmed by a direct measurement (without involving f
urther inferences), with the lowest constructivity level of syntactic
provability. We exemplify with an explanation of a recent challenge ag
ainst Bohr's wave-particle compementarity. Namely, by the so called do
uble-prism experiment of Ghose, Home, and Agarwal. We find the experim
ent quite interesting, not because of the alleged challenge, but by re
alizing that its interpretation requires a levelled approach to quantu
m theory.