1. The influence of underyearling (0+) fish on planktonic algal biomas
s and composition was examined during June-August in eight large enclo
sures (40 m(3)). Averaged for the entire period, Daphnia densities, tr
ansparency and phosphate concentrations were significantly higher (P <
0.05) and chlorophyll a values significantly lower in fishless control
s than in enclosures with fish (bleak (Alburnus alburnus), roach (Ruti
lus rutilus) or perch (Perca fluviatilis)). 2. Enclosures without fish
demonstrated a more heterogeneous algal community structure than encl
osures with fish. Desmidiales and dinoflagellates were more abundant i
n controls, whereas green algae dominated the phytoplankton community
in enclosures with fish. Larger grazing-resistant algae occurred most
frequently in enclosures without fish. 3. The importance of cascading
trophic interactions was demonstrated even under strong eutrophic cond
itions. The strongest effects on Daphnia densities, phytoplankton biom
ass and nutrients were observed in enclosures with perch, with weaker
effects in enclosures with cyprinids. Differences in initial fish size
and species accounted for the top-down effects observed. The results
of this study emphasize the importance of 0+ perch as a key predator i
n structuring the plankton community in lakes.