Background: In spinal anesthesia, often a large interindividual variab
ility in analgesic response is observed after administration of a cert
ain fixed dose of anesthetic to a patient population. To improve thera
peutic outcome it is important to characterize the variability in resp
onse by means of a population model (e.g., mixed-effects models or two
-stage approaches), The purpose of this investigation is to derive a p
opulation model for spinal anesthesia with plain bupivacaine, Based on
the population models, a description of a patient's time course of dr
ug action is obtained, the influence of patient covariates on clinical
ly important endpoints is examined, and the success of Bayesian foreca
sting of the offset of effect in a specific patient from the data obta
ined during onset is evaluated. Methods: The level of central neural b
lockade after intrathecal injection of plain bupivacaine was assessed
by testing analgesia to pinprick. A total of 714 measurements in 96 pa
tients (4-10 per subject) were available for analysis. Two pharmacodyn
amic models, based on the understanding of the physiology of the sprea
d of local anesthetic in the spinal fluid, were evaluated to character
ize the time course of analgesia in a specific patient. The first mode
l is a combination of a biexponential pharmacokinetic model, describin
g the onset and offset of effect and a linear pharmacodynamic model. T
he second model combines the biexponential pharmacokinetic model with
an E(max) type pharmacodynamic model. The interindividual variability
in model parameters was modeled by an exponential variance model. An a
dditional term characterized the residual error, The population mean p
arameters, interindividual variance, and residual variance were estima
ted using the first-order conditional estimate method in the NONMEM so
ftware package, Clinically important endpoints such as onset time, tim
e to reach the maximal level, the maximal level, and the duration of a
nalgesia were estimated from the Bayesian fit of each subject's data a
nd correlated with patient-specific covariates. Using Bayesian forecas
ting, the offset of spinal analgesia was predicted for each patient ba
sed on the population model and measurements from the first 30 min and
from the first 60 min, respectively. Results: The E(max) type pharmac
odynamic model was superior based on the improvement in likelihood (P
< 0.001) and on visual inspection of the fits, The estimates of the po
pulation mean parameters (coefficient of variation) were: (1) maximal
effect: T4, which was coded for the purpose of the calculation as 18 (
14%); (2) rate of offset of effect: 0.0118 (26%) min(-1); (3) rate of
onset of effect: 0.061 (45%) min.(-1) The standard deviation of the re
sidual error was 1.4. Large interindividual differences were observed
in the time course of analgesic response and clinically important endp
oints, The mean onset time; that is, time to reach T10 (interindividua
l variability) was 4.2 min (90%), the mean time to maximal level was 3
5.5 min (29%), the mean duration of effect was 172 min (28%), and the
mean maximal achieved level was T6 (12%). Significant correlations bet
ween onset time and height and weight, between time to maximal level a
nd age, between maximal level and weight and height, and between durat
ion and height were found, Bayesian regression using the population mo
del and data from the first 30 min and from the first 60 min predicted
the offset of effect in each patient reasonably well, with coefficien
ts of determination (R(2)) of 0.71 and 0.72. This is a significant imp
rovement over the population mean prediction. Conclusion: A population
model was derived for the description of the time course of central n
eural blockade, Based on the population model, a continuous effect pro
file over time was obtained for each person. Clinically important endp
oints such as onset time, maximal level of analgesia, time to reach ma
ximal level, and duration were correlated to patient covariates such a
s age, height, weight, puncture site, and kind of preparation of bupiv
acaine used to explain the large interindividual variability. The mixe
d-effects modeling approach is of particular importance for the analys
is of incomplete and sparse data from large patient populations.