Objective: To determine whether the opinions of Alberta physicians abo
ut active euthanasia had changed and to assess the determinants of pot
ential changes in opinion. Design: Follow-up survey (mailed questionna
ire) of physicians included in the 1991 Alberta Euthanasia Survey. Set
ting: Alberta. Participants: Of the 1391 physicians who participated i
n the 1991 survey 1291 (93%) had indicated that they were willing to t
ake part in a follow-up survey. A follow-up questionnaire was mailed i
n 1994 to 1146 physicians who could be traced through the 1994 Medical
Directory of the provincial college of physicians and surgeons; 25 qu
estionnaires were returned because they could not be delivered. Outcom
e measures: Physicians' opinions about (a) the morality of active euth
anasia, (b) changes in the law to permit active euthanasia and (c) the
practice of legalized euthanasia. Results: Of the 1121 physicians sen
t a follow-up questionnaire 866 (77%) returned it completed. The respo
nses of these same 866 physicians in 1991 provided a basis for compari
son. Of the 866, 360 (42%) stated in the 1994 survey that it is someti
mes right to practise active euthanasia; a similar proportion (384 [44
%]) gave this response in 1991. However, other opinions changed signif
icantly. In 1991, 250 of the respondents (29%) indicated that they wou
ld practise active euthanasia if it were legalized, as compared with 1
28 (15%) in 1994 (p < 0.01). In 1991, 429 (50%) of the respondents tho
ught that the law should be changed to permit active euthanasia, as co
mpared with 316 (37%) in 1994 (p < 0.01). Religious activity was the m
ost important characteristic associated with changes in opinion. Despi
te the decrease in support for the practice and legalization of active
euthanasia between 1991 and 1994, in both surveys at least 70% of tho
se who responded to this question indicated that active euthanasia, if
it were legalized, should be performed only by physicians and should
be taught at medical sites. Conclusion: Alberta physicians' support fo
r the practice and legalization of active euthanasia decreased conside
rably between 1991 and 1994. However, most physicians remain in favour
of restricting active euthanasia, if it were legalized, to the medica
l profession. These results suggest a need for caution and deliberatio
n when changes in the law concerning active euthanasia are examined.