Identifying genes within large regions of uncharacterized DNA is a dif
ficult undertaking and is currently the focus of many research efforts
. We describe a gene localization and modeling system, called GRAIL. G
RAIL is a multiple sensor-neural network-based system. It localizes ge
nes in anonymous DNA sequences by recognizing features related to prot
ein-coding regions and the boundaries of coding regions, and then comb
ines the recognized features using a neutral network system. Localized
coding regions are then ''optimally'' parsed into a gene model. Throu
gh years of extensive testing, GRAIL consistently localizes about 90%
of coding portions test genes with a false positive rate of about 10%.
A number of genes for major genetic diseases have been located throug
h the use of GRAIL, and over 1000 research laboratories worldwide use
GRAIL on regular bases for localization of genes on their newly sequen
ced DNA.