The Tampa Trephine (Martin Marietta Speciality Components, Large, FL,
U.S.A.) penetrating keratoplasty technique uses a 7.0-mm corneal donor
button with six rectangular 1 x 2-mm tabs of Bowman's layer, 75 mu m
in thickness, which are inserted into the recipient stroma beneath Bow
man's layer. We evaluated the safety of the Tampa Trephine tissue-trep
hination method on the cat corneal endothelium combining vital stainin
g and scanning electron microscopy, comparing it with the standard Wee
k trephination technique. The Tampa Trephine tissue trephination produ
ces a donor button with a 6.7-mm diameter central area of normal endot
helium. Localized peripheral areas of cellular loss, endothelial and D
escemet's tears, endothelial detachment, and folding along the border
of the trephination were observed with the Tampa Trephine method, all
located in an area of less than or equal to 150 mu m, adjacent to the
edge of the button. Standard trephination induced a localized peripher
al area of endothelial damage <50 mu m in extension from the donor edg
e. A theoretic maximal 8.4% peripheral endothelial cell loss is induce
d with the Tampa Trephine trephination method, compared with a 2.8% lo
ss with the standard procedure. The peripheral location of the alterat
ions after the Tampa Trephine does not hinder the viability of the cor
neal endothelium, as it has been clinically observed.