This study investigated the contribution of daytime television soap op
eras to the perception of the roles and lifestyle of the single mother
. The perceptions of soap opera viewers and nonviewers were compared u
sing 163 junior and senior high students as subjects, 9% of whom were
ethnic minorities. In particular, viewers perceive that single mothers
have good jobs, are relatively well-educated and do not live in pover
ty. Further, they perceive that their babies will be as healthy as mos
t babies and that their babies will get love and attention from adult
men who are friends of their mothers. To the degree that these percept
ions contribute to the gender role socialization of adolescents, we ar
e faced with a problematic situation. Particularly in light of the fac
t that soap operas are increasingly targeting the adolescent viewer th
e image portrayed on soap operas and the impact it appears to have is
of great concern.