Composition distributions of mixed micelles are analyzed using basic p
rinciples of classical statistical mechanics with special emphasis on
potential application to fluorescence quenching experiments in such sy
stems. The problem is formulated as a lattice model with nearest-neigh
bor interactions between surfactant hydrophilic moieties. Firstly, the
mean-field approximation is discussed in some detail with focus on it
s general character. Deeper analysis, involving direct evaluation of t
he lattice partition function, shows how substantial the deviations fr
om the mean-field predictions can be. The situation is dramatically im
proved when the truncated cumulant expansion is introduced. Two specia
l cases are distinguished, where the so-called interchange energy take
s positive or negative values. In the former case, a binary mixture ca
n separate into two phases of different composition, while in the latt
er micelles can undergo structural ordering. Finally, mixtures with ex
cess of one component are considered and a useful approximation for th
e grand partition function is derived.