We are concerned with the problem of minimizing a convex quadratic fun
ction subject to convex quadratic constraints. In particular, we are c
oncerned with the application of the method of analytic centres to pro
blems having a faulty feasible region, i.e. a region that is either un
bounded or not full dimensional. Each iteration of a method of centres
must determine an analytic centre of a truncated feasible region. If
the feasible region is faulty, then the truncated region may have no i
nterior, it may have no analytic centre, it may have an infinity of ce
ntres, or it may have a unique centre. Thus, the difficulty caused by
faulty feasible regions is that, even when the problem has a solution,
the method of centres may fail. Typically, faulty regions have been d
ealt with by the direct method of adding more constraints and variable
s, often involving a ''Big M'' constant. Our method is unique in that
it results in a reduction in the number of constraints and, effectivel
y, in the number of variables.